Block Management

We operate a Residential Block Management department providing a comprehensive and modern solution to the needs of Freeholders, Leasehold Management Companies and Right To Manage Companies.


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Mark has been an estate agent since 1984 and is a long standing Member of the National Association of Estate Agents and a Graduate of their in-house Block Management Courses. He is also an Associate of the Institute of Residential Property Management, a grade of membership only obtained by successfully passing examinations following the completion of approved courses.

All of these courses are very in depth and cover a huge range of topics and obligations for the Block Manager, including Essential Procedures, such as Accounting, Codes of Conduct, the Right to Manage process, Section 20 Consultation for Major Works and so on. Additionally, Legal Procedures figure prominently and include elements such as Forfeiture, Statute Law, Health & Safety law, Freeholders Consents and lawful procedures for the collection of Ground Rents and Service Charges.

From our town centre office, we provide a friendly and bespoke ‘hands-on’ value for money service.

Our local network of maintenance and repair tradesmen are fully insured and work to a very high standard. We do know that long standing maintenance arrangements already exist in many blocks and we are happy to maintain those services. After all, if it isn’t broken then why fix it!

Our service also provides preventative maintenance schedules, financial record keeping, building insurance services and much more….

Additionally, we can advise on the Right To Manage (RTM) procedure for residents that would like to take control of their own block maintenance.

If would like to know more about our service then please do get in touch.